Management of Jamia


Administrative Departments of Jamia

The Governing Body

Jamia Islamia Kashiful Uloom is a registered institute bearing Registration No.519 the governing body is the executive body of the Jamia with all executive powers.

Advisory Body:

The advisory body consists of the country’s famous ulema thinkers and sympathizers of the Muslim community and wise man.


It is a very important office of the Jamia. All activities are centered around it. Due to active functioning of this office Jamia making great strides of progress in all the department.

Academic Body:

For education and training, admission, examination all academic activities come under this department. It caters to the student's interest in learning and reading and to awaken them their dormant faculties and their all-round development, this body has been established. Every month this body meets under the headship of the Director of Jamia.

Management Department:

This office is responsible for the supervision of more than 50 affiliated madrasas from all over Maharashtra. This department looks after the improvement and efficiency of the teaching staff of the Jamia Establishment of Morning and Evening school in the region also comes under the previews of this department.

Building and Construction Dept.

This section looks after the construction of the building and extension of the existing construction work.

Dept for General Promotions and progress of Jamia:

This section deals with the introduction of Jamia the promotion of its aims and objectives, the fulfillment of its plans, the availability of the funds, the formation of delegates fall under this department.


Madarsa Ilyas Azad Chowk, Kiradpura

  • No. of students: 127
  • No. of Teaching Staff: 13
  • No. of Graduates: 253
  • Other Staff: 5

Hifz Faculty for learning the Holy Quran by heart

  • No. of students: 146
  • No. of Teaching Staff: 12
  • No. of Graduates (Huffaz): 25

Hifz Faculty at Kashifabad (Mitmita)

  • No. of Students: 107
  • No. of Teachers (huffaz): 8
  • Other staff: 4

Jamia Tayyebat Jamia for Girls

  • No. of Students: 147
  • Lady Teachers (Alimiyat): 16
  • Graduate Girls: 342

Madarsa Hafsa Kiradpura

  • No. of Students: 71
  • No. of Lady Teachers: 8
  • Graduates: 116

Madrasa Ayesha KatKat Gate

  • No. of students: 156
  • No. of Lady Teachers: 11
  • Graduate Ladies: 136

Madrasa Ayesha Rauzabaugh

  • No. of students: 25
  • No. of Lady Alimat: 5

Jamia for girls Sabzi Mandi

  • No. of students: 62
  • No. of Lady Teachers: 3

Qiraat School Kalimiya for Girls, Kokanwadi

  • No. of Students Girls: 62
  • Lady Teachers: 3

Affiliated Schools

  • No. of Affiliated Madrasas: 52
  • No. of Total Students: 14256
  • Total No. of Teachers: 68
  • Total No. of Graduates: 8269


الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه والتابعين، أما بعد فقد سعدت جدا بزيارتي الى الأخوة الأفاضل في جامعة كاشف العلوم في مدينة أورانغاباد- وسرني كثيرا حسن استقبالهم وكريم رعايتهم لي اثناء الزيارة- وأسأل الله لهم كل خير في عملهم الدعوي والتعليمي واكمال بناء ما يتعلق بمدرسة تعليم القرآن بجانب مسجد أم خليل، ليكون بفضله عونا لهم في تكملة مسيرة الدعوة والعلم- والله الموفق الى كل خير

دكتور راشد سعد العليمي، دولة الكويت

I pray to Allah that may jamia make tremendous progress in its real aims and objectives and also in the circle of religious education and it may become the central institute of religious teachings and a university for theological studies of the Maharashtra and Deccan.


May Allah continue this font of knowledge and studies for ever and it may be availed by general people and the select as well.


The new land of the jamia in the background of hills is telling the story of such a cradle of knowledge and training center which in the real futures shall prove a torch that will guide the people.


Allah has bestowed upon Maulana Riyazuddin and his companions, to the president o jamia and his colleagues with a great inspiration and zeal. Hazrat Maulana Abul Hasan Ali nadvi used to sayL This jams in his view is just like Darl Uloom Nadwatul Ulama or its Department. Great expectations are associated with it. The love of Godly persons don


In every respect jamia is reliable and dependable. During my conversation with the authorities of jamia I happily came to know that in respect of the curriculum also they progressively availing themselves of the experiences of other experts.